Today, the Club for Growth sent out the following press release . . .
Lynn Jenkins—Addicted to Tax Hikes
Washington - Lynn Jenkins did such a good job of raising taxes for hardworking Kansans as a Kansas State Legislator, now she wants to move up to the United States Congress where she can raise taxes on all Americans.
As the former State Legislator and current State Treasurer prepares to announce her candidacy for Democrat Nancy Boyda’s 2nd Congressional District seat, Kansas Republicans should take a close look at Jenkins’ record and ask themselves if they want to nominate a proven tax-hiker. As the Beatles once warned, “Don’t ask her what she wants it for, if you don’t want to pay some more.” Consider her record:
· Jenkins voted to raise the state sales tax by 8% (HB 2009, 2002)
· Jenkins voted to expand the Death Tax to family members outside the immediate family (SB 39, 2002)
· Jenkins voted to increase fuel taxes by more than 38% over four years (HB 2071, 1999; HB 2507, 2001; HB 3011, 2002)
· Jenkins voted to increase state income taxes by 5% (Topeka Capital-Journal, 04/12/02)
· Jenkins voted against decreasing state property taxes by $1 million (SB 69, 2001)
· Jenkins voted to increase taxes on insurance premiums (HB 2065, 2001)
· Jenkins voted to increase taxes on tobacco by 270% (Topeka Capital-Journal, 04/12/02)
· Jenkins voted for an $18.1 million increase in alcohol taxes (Topeka Capital-Journal, 04/12/02)
· Jenkins voted for a total of $335 million in higher taxes in 2002 (Topeka Capital-Journal, 04/12/02) and a total of $31.4 million in higher taxes in 2001 (Topeka-Capital-Journal, 05/05/01)
· Jenkins supported taxing the Internet (Project Vote Smart, 2000)
· Jenkins refused to sign a pledge against new taxes. ( Kansas Taxpayers Network)
“Lynn Jenkins’ record in Kansas is a litany of one tax hike after another, I’m surprised she hasn’t voted to tax people in Kansas for breathing,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. “Given her record in Kansas , Americans can’t afford to have Lynn Jenkins in Congress. The U.S. Congress has plenty of tax-hiking politicians; it doesn’t need another one.”
[Update: 2:13pm Red State has picked up on this Club for Growth release]
[Update: 11:31pm A reader charged that this blog was not running any pro-Jenkins materials. Despite the fact that the Club for Growth press release was simply offered "as is," with no commentary from this blog, reader opinions are valued. The anonymous reader offered quotes from a KC Biz Journal editorial praising the job she's done as Treasurer as a rebuttal to the above press release.
First, a suggestion for anyone who believes items regarding the race to defeat Boyda should appear here is to please use the e-mail provided on the home page to raise my awareness.
And, now the quotes, promoted from the comments to the home page:
"I found her contribution absolutely invaluable. She is bright, innovative and thoughtful. Her two decades as a CPA serve her well."
"Lynn Jenkins is the consummate professional public servant. She served in the Legislature, and she combines that experience with that of a CPA to be the best Kansas state treasurer in modern history" ]
Dedicated to the proposition that Nancy Boyda is a one termer.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
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So what's worse? Voting to give the state much needed funds (which anyone who paid attention to the 2003 session knows that they were left short handed by millions), or voting to waste those funds in pork filled bills? Ryun tried to watch what he voted for, but there is a list of pork laden bills twice the length of that one which Jim voted for.
All the Jenkins people have to do is a little research (you can start with each omnibus bill and supplimental funding bill for the past 10 years) and put the list together. While they're at it show how LJ has collected (or whatever a state treasurer does) the money KS has taken in as opposed to how Ryun wasted our tax dollars to pork.
And then Ryun's people can look at all the increased spending Jenkins voted for . . . but spending isn't tax increases. Oh, and Ryun voted against most of the omnibus spending bills.
Fact is, Ryun did not vote for tax increases and Jenkins did.
So are tax increases the only issue voters will be voting on?? If Ryun did so well in Congress cutting taxes and reducing spending then why isn't he still in Congress?? The fact is you can cut taxes all you want, but if you don't cut spending you will just run up deficits, which I think the Republican Congress can be held responsible for. Club for Growth is one reason we have Democratic control of congress. They are so focused on winning one battle that they don't give a damn about the war like most Republicans do. If you defeat Jenkins in the primary then Boyda wins again. The Ryuns will also be connected somehow with Club for Growth and they will find out they broke campaign finance laws.
The Ryuns are connected with the Club for Growth? Really?
So, by the reasoning of the 3rd post, the CFG is simply a bunch of Ryun hacks. Makes complete sense. I mean, they wouldn't take Jenkins to the woodshed because she voted to raise taxes. . . .would they?
Yes, smart ass!
Their attack helps Ryun, any idiot ought to be able to see that. They may not be Ryun hacks, but they are endorsing Ryun and would rather have him win the primary and lose again to Boyda then have a moderate prochoice in office. The CFG hides behind taxes, but they also look at abortion.
Ryun voted against countless spending bills. How many did Jenkins vote against?
Wow, there isn't a tax she doesn't like. Families, death, alcohol and tobacco...all treated equally. I do want to at least hear an answer from Lynn on this record.
The CFG cares only about taxes. Whoever made the comment about abortion wasn't following many of the Republican primary battles last year, specifically the Bachmann race.
Actually, Club for Growth is all about fiscal issues, not social issues. Sorry to burst your bubble Jenkins camp.
I hear she already gave an answer-David Kerr made her do it. That's a solid, solid excuse.
who runs the Kansas Chapter of club for growth??
I am sure if you Google it, you can find out
Explain the Bachmann deal?
So I guess the fact that Bounce Boyda picked up the Club for Growth release and didn't hesitate putting it on the site means this is probably a pro-Ryun site more than it is a Bounce Boyda site. Maybe you should look at a rename.
The Club for Growth release is timely and relevant to the race to defeat Boyda. If someone makes us aware of a release that is pro-Jenkins or anti-Ryun, we will publish it as well.
Ryun's never done anything wrong. So he won't have a negative posting on this site.
Citizens Against Government Waste ( said there were 7 bills in the 109th alone that Ryun voted againt tax payers. They only gave him a 79% favorable rating. Sure it's better than Nancy will get, but I wouldn't run around bragging about a C+ and claiming to be a champion for tax payers.
Ryun would be better off staying out of the 2008 race and risk tarnishing his reputation further. I can't for the life of me figure out why he didn't just move back to KS, start a philanthropic org and do something positive for KS. Then run for Senate in 2010.
I think he actually believes that if he wins in 08 one of his boys can take his seat when he runs for Senate.
bounce2008, here is your pro jenkins release. Post the verbage on your homepage not just the link.
sorry full link should have been
nice post from another site
I do not know anything about this candidate other than what you post. My comments go merely to the list.
1. Is it the total list? Were there other votes on fiscal issues to put this in context?
2. Raising alcohol and tobacco taxes does not offend all conservatives. These products cause many social problems that result in government and other public costs. In my opinion, those costs should be born significantly by the users. Without more information regarding the vote, I would not criticize this.
3. Ditto on the fuel taxes. User fees - of which this is a type - are consistent with traditional Republican views.
4. By the Death Tax, do you mean the state inheritance tax? Was this perhaps a package in which some rates rose and others dropped? In any event, a primary objection to such a tax involves taxes on transfers within the immediate family unit. Taxes outside such a unit are less offensive. We need more information before we attack this.
5. I don't know what Kansas Insurance premium taxes are. However, in many states the sales tax system is a mess. We need to raise rates on some items and lower them on others because exclusions and exemptions and exceptions abound. Again, perhaps she had a very good reason for this.
6. Generally, I don't like a state income tax. I'd prefer a lower property tax and higher sales/use taxes, including on services. Government must be supported, however. I notice these votes were in different years. Perhaps, however, one affected the other or resulted from the success or failure of prior bills. Out of context, I do not know and am reluctant to judge. A sales tax, as a consumption tax, is better for our economy than income or property taxes. This is consitent with a VAT or FAIR Tax supported by many Republicans. Also, perhaps the votes were a compromise or the result of a failed compromise.
By way of example, in Florida, many Republicans are supporting a restructuring of the state tax system. It would raise sales taxes and lower property taxes. I don't know how it will come out and I don't support it all, but it illustrates that supporting a tax increase is not necessarily a bad thing: it can often be part of a greater plan.
I also agree with Adam C: we need to have room for moderates and conservatives.
Steve Willis
Professor of Law
University of Florida College of Law
First, it's not a press release from today, it's an editorial from Monday, and appears to be a commentary on her job as Treasurer, not about the race for Congress. Which leads to the second point, that I'm not a KC Business Journal subscriber, so I can't read it. You'll need to send the text to me if you'd like me to review it.
In the future, please feel free to make use of the provided e-mail found on the home page to send articles, press releases, etc that you would like to see on the blog. Someone sent an e-mail with the Club for Growth release today.
very dangerous game you place, bounce2008...if you take sides, you'll never become an important factor in this election
They have a web site and you can read it online, you don't have to be a subscriber to read it. I would think the Kansas City Business journal would have just as much credibility as a press release from CFG, but maybe not on this site. We should rename the blog bounce boyda and bounce jenkins.
actually you do have to be a subsriber so I'll just type up some highlights. This is from Michael Braude who writes for the Journal as well as is on the KPERS board.
regarding KPERS
"I found her contribution absolutely invaluable. She is bright, innovative and thoughtful. Her two decades as a CPA serve her well."
on her job
"Lynn Jenkins is the consummate professional public servant. She served in the Legislature, and she combines that experience with that of a CPA to be the best Kansas state treasurer in modern history"
I will probably support Ryun but agree that Lynn Jenkins is a consummate professional. She, too, would make an outstanding Member of Congress.
Remember Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Thou shalt not speak evil of a fellow Republican.
Bachmann, for the intellegent fellow who pointed to that as proof that taxes is all that matters to Club for Growth, is a woman who spend years of her life sitting out front of abortion clinics staging protests. So, there, apparently, is your proof that taxes is all that matters to Club for Growth. Good call.
For the person who mispelled intelligent, I guess I might as well give an "edjicated" answer. The CFG did opposed Bachmann in the primary because of her vote on a cigarette tax hike. They are not a social issues crowd at all and have a strong libertarian streak running through the organization as a whole.
It's true, Bachmann is a right wing social conservative and fiscal conservative, but Club for Growth did oppose her in the primary for the tax vote. They don't let social conservatism get in their way. It just happens that most fiscal conservatives are also social conservatives.
Having Lynn Jenkins in office would be much better than Ryun. He was defeated for a reason, despite his family's belief that it was simply a party issue. The fact is that Republicans in the district either voted for Boyda, or simply didn't come out to vote. He needs to step aside and let someone new in who has a chance of "bouncing boyda"
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